Wednesday, August 22, 2012


 The Playroom
The Black 'stripe' through the middle is painted w/chalkboard paint so
they have a big chalkboard to write on through out the entire space :-)

 Toy Storage

 The very LOVED Train Table

 The Art Table (when I start to trust them the cups will be filled w/art supplies) For now we are practicing w/crayolas color wonder, they stuff that will only show color on special paper :-)

 A place to display all the wonderful art projects they bring home from Preschool.  I made the "ART Gallery" vinyl letters w/my Silhouette machine

This Play Kitchen doubles as a great place to store all their Kitchen Toys/Food

 Utensil storage for the kitchen

 I made these pictures with some great graphics I bought through Stampin Up.  Im really loving their "My Digital Studio" software

 The Book Storage, a great idea I got from  (using spice racks from Ikea)

 The Reading Corner

 I saw this on ETSY a while ago and thought it was so cute, and with as much as Evan and Taryn love planes I wanted to add it to their playroom.  I was happy that I was able to find one w/3 kids in cute :-)

 We had these storage units for a while and they used to be the black/brown color but I decided I wanted white so I painted them.  We already had most of the basket storage from previous uses but did splurge on the drawer and cabinet inserts.  I love all the storage it provides  and we were even able to turn one of the units on its side and create a bench.  I sewed all the pillows to make some cushions for it.  I'm not the best seamstress but my work is good enough for a child's playroom :-)

Also the green painted area behind the bench is painted w/magnetic primer so it is a big magnet board the kids can play with.

 I bought these wood letters a long time ago to do something for the twins with them but I never did.  So when we were putting together their playroom I thought what better to do with them but hang the alphabets in their play space Stampin UP came out w/so super cute paper this year that just fit perfect in the space.

Chalk Board Paint through the center
Magnetic Primer above bench seat
Lots of Vinyl Art
Wood Letter ABC's
Pillow Cushions for bench seat
Custom Art Work
Painted toy storage units

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